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- Διδάσκων: dilek volkan
Precision agriculture has experienced a new industrial revolution comparable to the invention of the wheel or the tractor, hand in hand with new technologies, improvements are born every day, more progress is made and progress is made towards a new world hand in hand with all kinds of advances such as new species of plants resistant to diseases, optimization of the irrigation system and transport of materials and supplies throughout the country, managing to provide more quality to the final customer, as well as variety and prices more adjusted to the shopping basket of the consumer citizen .
One of the great advances comes from the technological world, born as a hobby of model aircraft enthusiasts and large companies that have grown later and have invested in a project that moves billions a year in products, peripherals and components.
Drone technology (also known as Uav, or Uas) has brought about a substantial change in the way of seeing and understanding precision agriculture, since its use has branched out and specialized to unsuspected limits, creating products to meet specific needs in a primary sector that was already demanding a new revolution. Because it was necessary. And because it came to stay.
One of the great advances comes from the technological world, born as a hobby of amateur model aircraft and large companies that have grown later and have invested in a project that moves billions a year in products, peripherals and components.
Drone technology (also known as Uav, or Uas) has meant a substantial change in the way of seeing and understanding precision agriculture, as its use has branched out and specialized to unsuspected limits, creating products to meet specific needs in a sector primary that was already demanding a new revolution. Because it was necessary. And because it is here to stay.
- Διδάσκων: Álvaro Marín Torres